The apology letter was the one place Rushton really had the chance to shine.
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Nunes VS Rushton Copyright Infringement Case is Finally Over
I’m happy to announce that the final chapter in my copyright infringement case against Tiffany Rushton has been written.
Summary Judgment in Nunes VS Rushton Copyright Infringement Case
After three and a half years, summary judgment has come in on the Nunes VS Rushton copyright infringement case.
Surprising Development as Expert Witnesses are Disclosed in Copyright Infringement Case
If you are following my copyright infringement case, you’ve probably heard about the surprising development during expert discovery.
Community Site for Content-Rated Books
I’m so excited that My Book Ratings or MBR, a new free community website with a permanent database for content-rated books, is now online.
Movie-like Content Ratings for Books
Movies are rated, so why not books? If I’m going to fork out my hard-earned money, I deserve to have some idea of what I’m in for, right?
My Book Cave—Books with “Movie-like” Ratings
I’m excited about the new site, My Book Cave, who is offering subscribers ebooks with content-rating.
Admissions and Reproduction of Documents in Copyright Infringement Case
Before anyone ever sets foot in a courtroom, much research has been done in the form of pre-trial discovery.
Interrogatories: Another Important Step in Discovery
Basically, interrogatories are a written interrogation, and the answers are made under oath and notarized, meaning that it’s important for the plaintiff or defendant to answer to as completely and honestly as possible.
Discovery: Initial Disclosures
Discovery is a major part of civil litigation, the process through which the parties gather evidence before trial, and we’re heading into that now.